Buy My Photos Videos and Time

Online GirlfriendHey! Glad you are interested in me. You can’t really “buy me”, I’m not an escort. I’m just a pretty average girl with a pretty normal life but I bet we could get along. What you can “buy” is time with me on a monthly or bi-monthly basis. You can join my page to get tons of naked photos and videos of me. You can show them to your friends. As I said I am very average so I don’t do special photoshoots or any fetish stuff. But I have a pretty good body and I am not afraid to share it with you.

For one payment per month, you get photos and videos. But that is not all! There are other perks! These things are all included in one price!

You get a 5-minute phone call with me each month. (A phone sex session is extra but possible *wink*)

You can add me on Facebook which is my regular personal account. I’ll make comments on your page (if you’d like) and behave in a way you want. Meaning I can post flirty messages, desperate for you posts, lovey-dovey messages, or just friendly ones!

We can chat online for up 30 minutes once per month!

I can leave you one voicemail message in whatever manner you’d like from sexy to pleading for you to call me back.

I’ll also send you 10 text messages to your cell phone per month with whatever style you’d like. I can text you good morning. I can text you something naughty when you least expect it!

If you would like to have some add ons I have that available too!

For $75 we can have a 1-hour phone date. We can do many things with this time and it’s up to you how we spend it together. We can Netflix together or we can phone fuck!

You can purchase more texts for an additional $20 and I can text you one message daily.

I can send you a very naughty personalized email for $10 each.

More voicemails? Buy them in packages of 5 for only $20

If you think of other ideas I’m negotiable because a really good girlfriend always is!




Theme: Overlay by Kaira
Copyright 2020